Minggu, 30 September 2012

[C921.Ebook] Free Ebook The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology, by Nick Cook

Free Ebook The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology, by Nick Cook

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The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology, by Nick Cook

The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology, by Nick Cook

The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology, by Nick Cook

Free Ebook The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology, by Nick Cook

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The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology, by Nick Cook

This riveting work of investigative reporting and history exposes classified government projects to build gravity-defying aircraft--which have an uncanny resemblance to flying saucers.

The atomic bomb was not the only project to occupy government scientists in the 1940s. Antigravity technology, originally spearheaded by scientists in Nazi Germany, was another high priority, one that still may be in effect today. Now for the first time, a reporter with an unprecedented access to key sources in the intelligence and military communities reveals suppressed evidence that tells the story of a quest for a discovery that could prove as powerful as the A-bomb.

The Hunt for Zero Point explores the scientific speculation that a "zero point" of gravity exists in the universe and can be replicated here on Earth. The pressure to be the first nation to harness gravity is immense, as it means having the ability to build military planes of unlimited speed and range, along with the most deadly weaponry the world has ever seen. The ideal shape for a gravity-defying vehicle happens to be a perfect disk, making antigravity tests a possible explanation for the numerous UFO sightings of the past 50 years.

Chronicling the origins of antigravity research in the world's most advanced research facility, which was operated by the Third Reich during World War II, The Hunt for Zero Point traces U.S. involvement in the project, beginning with the recruitment of former Nazi scientists after the war. Drawn from interviews with those involved with the research and who visited labs in Europe and the United States, The Hunt for Zero Point journeys to the heart of the twentieth century's most puzzling unexplained phenomena.

From the Hardcover edition.

  • Sales Rank: #64333 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Broadway Books
  • Published on: 2003-08-12
  • Released on: 2003-08-12
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .70" w x 5.20" l, .54 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 320 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Amazon.com Review
Imagine the power, economic and military, that would fall into the hands of the person who figured out how to bypass the ordinary laws of physics, defy gravity, and travel near the speed of light.

Though it sometimes seems to fall in the realm of science fiction more than pure science, aviation-technology journalist Nick Cook's intriguing tale involves the long quest to develop antigravity vehicles and the sometimes eccentric characters who have played a part in it: Nazi rocket engineers, backyard inventors, NASA scientists, conspiracy theorists, and UFO watchers among them. The last group figures, Cook explains, because the ideal craft for "electrogravitic reaction" would take the form of a disc, a design consideration seen in the shape of current stealth aircraft. It could just be, the author suggests, that what witnesses have taken to be flying saucers might instead be antigravity-aircraft prototypes, though he cautions that "the subject is too complex ... to conform to a single explanation."

And therein hangs a good part of this always interesting, if admittedly speculative, story, which, regardless of the truth of the matter (or, perhaps, antimatter), will appeal to techies and Trekkies alike. --Gregory McNamee

From Publishers Weekly
For the last 15 years, Cook has been an aviation reporter and editor at Jane's Defence Weekly, a defense industry trade journal that one would expect to find Cheney and Rumsfeld discussing on the way to the briefing room. A full-length project from a high-ranking Jane's editor creates a certain confidence in the contents, yet, as Cook makes clear, most of what's in this book won't be found in Jane's, as the evidence for "zero point energy" is less concrete, even if just as scrupulously sourced here. The book begins when Cook jokingly calls the possibility of antigravity drives "the ultimate quantum leap in aircraft design" in one of his Jane's pieces more than 10 years ago. A few years later, someone anonymously slips him an article, dating to the 1950s, that shows officials at Lockheed Martin and other big contractors claiming they were close to exactly that. Intrigued, Cook takes the bait and follows the trail to the wildest territory imaginable: destroyed or pulled reports; disappearing battleships; silent, glowing flying discs; time distortion; Nazi slave labor. To simplify in the extreme: Cook has found evidence that Nazi scientists had tapped into zero point energy the quantum energy that possibly exists within vacuums in amounts that make nuclear energy look like a joke (enough energy in the space of a coffee cup, Cook explains, to boil the world's oceans six times over). When WWII ended, Nazi secrets were plundered by the U.S. Army, which spirited them, along with many of the German scientists themselves, into "black" programs not acknowledged by the government and which may have produced working aerospace technology based on zero point. Through his cover as a Jane's reporter, Cook seeks out the stealthy wonks of this top-secret world, but readers will have to wade through some opaque thumbnail descriptions of the science and arcane WWII history to understand what he and others are getting at. It is well worth it.
Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

From Booklist
Cook's position as aviation editor at Jane's Defence Weekly, a military-affairs journal, and his determinedly skeptical approach to his subject give his investigation of antigravity technology credence. Research by the Nazis, and then by the Americans and Canadians, found that the ideal shape for an antigravity vehicle is a perfect disk, making antigravity tests a possible explanation for the numerous UFO sightings reported in the last 50 years. Cook's curiosity about antigravity was piqued by a popular science article from the late 1950s. If a "zero point" of gravity actually exists and can be reproduced, that means it's possible to harness gravity, which would give nations the ability to build military planes of unlimited speed. The theory has long been dismissed, but Cook spoke to engineers, some mainstream types at NASA, others evidently on the scientific fringe, who think antigravity is not a crackpot idea. Cook's sleuthing is intriguing, diligent, and indefinite. Gilbert Taylor
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

Most helpful customer reviews

136 of 142 people found the following review helpful.
This Is How "Black Programs" Really Are
By Terry Sunday
When I first came across Nick Cook's "The Hunt for Zero Point" in a bookstore, I scoffed at the subtitle: "Inside the classified world of antigravity technology." As an aerospace engineer, historian and dyed-in-the-wool skeptic, I figured it was probably full of mystical, pseudo-scientific nonsense that would appeal only to those with absolutely no understanding of how the world works. Surely, I thought, it would offer nothing of value to knowledgeable, sophisticated, discriminating readers. In fact, I initially lumped it into the same category as Philip Corso's "The Day After Roswell," which remains possibly the most shamelessly self-serving, manifestly ridiculous and blatantly fabricated "true story" ever concocted.

Then, later, I checked a copy of "The Hunt for Zero Point" out of the library and read it. My opinion is now completely different. I highly recommend it if you are interested in learning about an obscure, previously unknown aspect of aerospace history that, if true, has major implications for the future of nearly every high-technology enterprise on Earth.

Mr. Cook has impressive qualifications. He served for over a decade as the Aviation Editor of the highly respected aerospace journal "Jane's Defence Weekly." His knowledge of the people, companies, hardware, technology and politics of today's "military/industrial complex" is extraordinary. Quite simply, he gets it right. A useful way to gauge the knowledge and attention to detail that an author brings to his work is to check if he defines acronyms correctly. Mr. Cook does. As best I can tell, he also gets right every person, place, date, event and company that he mentions--at least, the ones that I could verify. Finally--and this is most unusual--he even gets the name of one of America's largest aerospace corporations right. The name is "Lockheed Martin," not "Lockheed-Martin." Virtually every author who mentions the company inserts a hyphen in the name that should not be there. "Attention to detail" means getting things like this right, and Mr. Cook does so.

His hunt for "zero point" began in the early 1990s when a copy of a 1956 magazine article mysteriously appeared on his desk in his London office. Entitled "The G-Engines Are Coming," the article stimulated him to seek answers to questions regarding super-secret "black programs" that, before, he had not even thought to ask. He pored through dusty Government archives, had clandestine meetings with secretive characters and saw potential contacts suddenly silenced. His quest took him from the "edge of tomorrow" at the legendary "Skunk Works" in Palmdale, California, to the ruins of the infamous Nazi underground rocket-production factory, the "Mittelwerk," in Germany's Harz Mountains, where he tried to pick up the 50-year-old trail of the elusive SS Obergruppenfuehrer Hans Kammler. Kammler was one of the least-known but most-powerful men in the last days of the Third Reich. He reportedly ran an ultra-secret SS "special projects office" tasked to develop advanced weapons--weapons that could turn the tide of the War, and that were so far ahead of their time that even today they remain the stuff of science fiction.

"The Hunt for Zero Point" is more of a scientific detective story than a revelation of secret "antigravity" technology. Taken as such, it is an excellent read. Whether Mr. Cook's conclusions are convincing is up to each reader to decide. But he does offer several insights that cannot be disputed. One is that "they" deliberately put forth "disinformation" (i.e., "lies") to impede the chances that researchers into "black programs" will discover the truth about them. Another is that companies sometimes pursue lines of research that, unbeknownst to them, are already active in the "black world." When this happens, they are "brought into" the program and, very effectively, forced to shut up as far as the outside world is concerned. These are two more things that Mr. Cook gets right.

37 of 39 people found the following review helpful.
The hunt was almost successful
By Rich Putman
You will enjoy this book if you:
(1) have considered becoming an investigative journalist. Nick Cook provides a close up view of what an investigative journalist does -- including satisfactions and disappointments.
(2) are fascinated by World War 2.
(3) would like to get a feel for how governments manage, protect, and pursue top secret advanced technology innovation.
You will be disappointed in this book if you:
(1) prefer to see endings where a quest is achieved.
(2) expect to learn many insider secrets about exotic new energy breakthroughs.
(3) already know all you want to know about WW2.
If learning more about breakthrough energy technology itself is your main interest, then you're better of to use an Internet search engine with the phrase "zero point".

77 of 89 people found the following review helpful.
Nazis in the Sky with Diamonds
By Kevin Seeger
This is an interesting book. The author is a British aerospace journalist, who is up on his cutting edge technology. The subject is his personal quest to uncover, between assignments, the covert science of our government which operates in the "black" beyond public scrutiny. The style is a first person action narrative in which most of the action is a guy researching on the internet and making important phone calls while his plane is boarding. This is where I knock off the 5th star, as a journalist adventure story written by a technician is sometimes not such a page turner.
The titular zero point is the inexhaustable energy that exists in the quantum foam of our universe, which thus far has been proven to be there, but has not yet been harnessed. Obviously, the government who gets at it first will rule the planet for some time.
Cook does some stellar research to make real world sense out of the legends and myths that have arisen from the ashes of WWII. He discovers the truth behind the rumors that the Nazis were building flying saucers towards the end of the war. He also reveals the great genius of the American conquistadors was in their highly efficient absorbtion of German secret technology and scientists at the close of the war.
We all know that the Germans invented (discovered?) quantum mechanics in the early part of the century, and the Nazis had workable technology far in advance of the Allies during the war. We also know that the greatest of the German scientists did work for America upon conclusion of the war, and were the engineers that put us on the moon a couple of decades later. What we don't know is what else they were working on.
The best part of this book for me was the introduction to the little remembered Nazi, Hans Kammler, who was literally the architect of the concentration camps. By the end of the war, Kammler had usurped all of the power that Himmler's SS had usurped from Hitler. Kammler pioneered the state-within-a-state concept with his unregulated think tank in Prague conducting experiments at the very fringe of conventional science. There is compelling evidence that Kammler would have been among the war criminals repatriated to America, and with him came his technology, and frighteningly, his state-within-a-state design, which came to be the modern structure of our military-industrial complex. The good news is that he was by all rights belonging to the Soviets, as they were promised the Czech Republic, but in a good showing of bad faith, Patton went in and got the goods before the Reds arrived.
The final analysis seems to be that anti-gravity is a workable technology, but not one that we yet fully understand. Mass reduction can be achieved in the laboratory, as can levitation and transmutation of metals, but it is unpredictable and more akin to poltergeist activity than science. The science will not go mainstream until there is an easily digestable formula which underpins and predicts consistent results.
Meanwhile, the ongoing experimentation of anti-gravity propulsion takes place at such black locations as Area 51, and most probably accounts for the majority of UFO sightings around the globe. The day does not seem far off when some scientist will successfully sap into the zero point energy, which was predicted by Nikola Tesla a century ago. Let's hope it's the good guys (private sector Americans) that get there first. Unlimited energy = good thing. Controlled by Naziesque government rogues = bad thing.
Another interesting aspect of this cutting edge technology is the odd effect on space-time that can be achieved with high-RPM superconductive magnetrons. Is it possible that in attempting to build a viable flying saucer, the Nazis were actually attempting to build a time machine? It is notable that many alien abduction experiences claim to have seen soldiers in uniform aboard the offending ship. Betty Hill's 1961 account being the first and most famous. Strange days indeed. Mengele escaped to Argentina and Kammler escaped to the 5th dimension, only to torment us with continued genetic experimentation. Most peculiar, Momma. I'd like to presume the Nazis were defeated and not that they now control space-time.

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Jumat, 28 September 2012

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  • Sales Rank: #3060886 in Books
  • Published on: 1995
  • Binding: Hardcover

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Minggu, 23 September 2012

[V285.Ebook] Ebook Control System Power and Grounding Better Practice (Control Engineering), by Roger Hope, Dave Harrold, David Brown

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Control system power and grounding is possibly the single most important element to ensure a control system doesn't experience unidentified "gremlins" throughout its life. The topic is appropriate to every control system domain, including programmable logic controllers, process control systems, robotics, vision systems, etc. Power and grounding is recognized by a major industry standards organization, ISA, in ongoing standards efforts.

Control Engineering and several power and grounding experts have developed this control system power and grounding resource. When used in conjunction with control system manufacturer installation documentation, users can expect robust, reliable control system installation; one that remains free of "phantom" problems caused by power and grounding glitches.

- Provides clarity for manufacturer's obscure system documentation

- The only single source control system power and grounding guide available.

- Details how to significantly improve reliability in control systems, saving valuable time and money.

  • Sales Rank: #2591734 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Newnes
  • Published on: 2004-03-08
  • Released on: 2004-02-23
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.90" h x .28" w x 8.50" l, .79 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 128 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
A Must Have Reference on Better Practice for Everyone Working with Industrial Measurement and Control Systems Applications
By David De Sousa
This book covers one of the most important topics to assure that a Control and Safety System can perform at its intended highest availability, reliability and safety level. In the other hand is hard to find books that treat this topic with the practical detail and clarity needed for real world industrial applications, the ones you may face at your job while working either in an engineering, project, operational, or maintenance department in any given Plant or Industry. If you work with PLCs, DCSs, SCADAs, ESDs, SISs, Hybrid Systems, or just single loop controllers or measurement applications, you will find what are considered the best or recommended practices in industry, as well as warnings, cautions, and notes on essential and critical information about Power, Grounding and Shielding issues.

Anther thing I liked about this book is that it is profusely illustrated with diagrams and tables that make it even friendlier when looking for advice on specific issues.

I am an Industrial Practitioner of Process Measurement & Control who has been working in the Process Industries for more than 16 years as an Automation, Instrumentation, Process Safety and Process Control Engineer. As a result I have been dealing with Control Systems Power, Grounding and Shielding issues in a day-to-day basic. I found this book to be a very useful reference and a refresher, that will be useful for experienced and newcomers engineers and Technicians to gain a better understanding of almost every aspect that has to be consider to ensure that all the Control Systems you are accountable for have been properly installed.

1 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Timely & useful
By K. Hess
This book provides a no non-sense, easy to apply explanation of how control and automation systems should be installed to ensure reliable service. With more and more control system manufacturer's cutting back on installation documentation, this book is timely in helping fill the documenation gap.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Control System Power and Grounding Better Practice ("Control Engineering")
By eoin prendergast
Book. is ok. WHule it did explain some concepts that I was unfamilar with, I was a bit disappointed with the level of detail. Can not really recommend this book, especially at the suggested price.

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Sabtu, 22 September 2012

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A Theory of Property (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law), by Stephen R. Munzer

A Theory of Property (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law), by Stephen R. Munzer

PDF Ebook A Theory of Property (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law), by Stephen R. Munzer

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A Theory of Property (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law), by Stephen R. Munzer

This book represents a major new statement on the issue of property rights. It argues for the justification of some rights of private property while showing why unequal distributions of private property are indefensible.

  • Published on: 2012-06-05
  • Platform: No Operating System
  • Binding: Printed Access Code

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
A detailed analysis on what is Property
By A. Mccullagh
This is the best book on this topic. It is very well researched and is full of very interesting insights by the Professor Munzer. The book is really a magnificent journey into what is property and how to best from a philosophical and legal perspect view property. It will provide valuable information to the student just beginning the study of property as well as the hard-core legal researcher who needs some assistance on this topic.

The book is complex in some areas but on the whole it is very well written in an easy style. I thoroughly recommend this book.

Dr. Adrian McCullagh B.Sc. (Computing), LL.B.(Hons). Ph.D.

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[Q992.Ebook] PDF Ebook A Theory of Property (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law), by Stephen R. Munzer Doc

Selasa, 11 September 2012

[G428.Ebook] Free Ebook Digital Paper: A Manual for Research and Writing with Library and Internet Materials (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing)

Free Ebook Digital Paper: A Manual for Research and Writing with Library and Internet Materials (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing)

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Digital Paper: A Manual for Research and Writing with Library and Internet Materials (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing)

Digital Paper: A Manual for Research and Writing with Library and Internet Materials (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing)

Digital Paper: A Manual for Research and Writing with Library and Internet Materials (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing)

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Digital Paper: A Manual for Research and Writing with Library and Internet Materials (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing)

Today’s researchers have access to more information than ever before. Yet the new material is both overwhelming in quantity and variable in quality. How can scholars survive these twin problems and produce groundbreaking research using the physical and electronic resources available in the modern university research library? In Digital Paper, Andrew Abbott provides some much-needed answers to that question.

Abbott tells what every senior researcher knows: that research is not a mechanical, linear process, but a thoughtful and adventurous journey through a nonlinear world. He breaks library research down into seven basic and simultaneous tasks: design, search, scanning/browsing, reading, analyzing, filing, and writing. He moves the reader through the phases of research, from confusion to organization, from vague idea to polished result. He teaches how to evaluate data and prior research; how to follow a trail to elusive treasures; how to organize a project; when to start over; when to ask for help. He shows how an understanding of scholarly values, a commitment to hard work, and the flexibility to change direction combine to enable the researcher to turn a daunting mass of found material into an effective paper or thesis.

More than a mere  how-to manual, Abbott’s guidebook helps teach good habits for acquiring knowledge, the foundation of knowledge worth knowing. Those looking for ten easy steps to a perfect paper may want to look elsewhere. But serious scholars, who want their work to stand the test of time, will appreciate Abbott’s unique, forthright approach and relish every page of Digital Paper.

  • Sales Rank: #204813 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-08-04
  • Released on: 2014-08-04
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .80" w x 6.00" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 272 pages

“The work of a master researcher who recalls in illuminating detail how he and his students over the last thirty years went about solving a large number of empirical and theoretical research problems. He systematizes these memories into usable advice and lays out a multistage plan for successful scholarship that meets very rigorous demands. Without a hint of trendiness, this manual will reliably guide novice scholars into a new world of materials for study and will help their mentors keep up as well. An indispensable guide for serious humanistic study in the future.” (Alan Sica, editor, Contemporary Sociology)

"With illuminating examples from social science and humanities research, and with self-deprecating humor, Abbott develops an economic model describing tradeoffs between searching and reading. . . . Essential." (Choice)

“There is justified concern today about information overload, poor writing skills, and the decline of library research in the digital age. We are fortunate that Andrew Abbott comes to the rescue with a manual for writing a research paper using the tools of the modern library. Avoiding hype and cutting to the essential qualities of good research design, he shows the reader how to harness new technology while upholding the highest standards of research. The result is a joy to read and will be a boon for students. Even veterans of the trade will find much to like.” (Robert J. Sampson, professor of the social sciences at Harvard University and author of Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect)

"I can honestly say that every student, professor, and intellectual needs to read [Digital Paper]. It’s a superb ‘how to’ guide about writing a long research paper or thesis. But it’s more than that. It’s an entire theory of how scholars pursue scholarship. It’s a memoir of Abbott’s own research. It’s a pessimistic and slightly misanthropic ode to a quiet world of well-ordered card catalogs destroyed by the garish vulgarity of online databases. It’s an epigrammatic summary of a career’s worth of knowledge. It is—yes, I really mean this—life-affirming." (Alex Golub, Savage Minds)

About the Author
Andrew Abbott is the Gustavus F. and Ann M. Swift Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago. He edits the American Journal of Sociology and his books include The System of Professions, Department and Discipline, Chaos of Disciplines, and Time Matters, all published by the University of Chicago Press.

Most helpful customer reviews

10 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
It is written by a sociologist who draws on a great deal of personal research experience himself
By Thomas Mann
This is the kind of book that will make even older academics say, “I dearly wish I’d had this when I was a grad student myself.” It should be required reading for all academic researchers, especially those doing work on thesis- or dissertation- or book-length projects. It is written by a sociologist who draws on a great deal of personal research experience himself, as well as on his position of having guided the work of many graduate students, of whom he writes, “they asked the questions that made me realize what I was failing to teach.” This guide is one of the strongest antidotes available to the naïve notion that “one stop shopping” on the Internet or in a few subscription databases is adequate for real scholarship. In Abbott’s own words, “my computational experience gives me an insider’s view of digital knowledge tools, and my skepticism about them—of which more below—is based not on simple conservatism but on having extensively used such tools.” The author’s hands-on experience is evident throughout the book from the many examples he gives. Particularly refreshing—and valuable—is his emphasis on the importance of the serious reading of actual books. “You cannot do serious research entirely by scanning, skimming, extracting, or other forms of surface engagement.” Equally important is his discussion of browsing in book stacks as in important component of research—an art and a skill that is nowadays too often entirely overlooked by those who think that specifying keywords in a blank search box is generally all that is needed to retrieve whatever one is searching for. In Abbott’s words, “Since keyword tools produce immense lists most of whose entries are useless, those who develop them have created sorting mechanisms to bring the useful material to the top. Most of these ‘relevance’ sortings are themselves useless”; and “search engine rankings are not reliable guides to quality.” Any students who have relied on Google searching to the neglect of more powerful and more focused sources will breathe an “Amen,” time after time, in reading this book—all the more often if the only “information literacy” instruction they’ve received in their classes has consisted of talks on “how to think critically about the web sites you’ve found,” as if finding web sites alone were all that is necessary, as long as you “think critically” about them. Abbott is particularly good in laying out what is needed in the design of research projects, paying particular attention to the methods of efficiently creating and managing files that allow for changes in the project’s goals as new information is discovered. This, too, is something that gets swept under the rug in too many conventional information literacy classes: the awareness, even the inevitability, that the direction of one’s project may itself change radically as new information is discovered through various stages of inquiry—stages that extend well beyond the initial “one stop shopping” that is held up as the ultimate goal by many librarians who lack Abbott’s practical experience and downright “savvy.” Abbott is also especially insightful in his recommendations concerning how to read and evaluate sources—his advice reminds me in some ways of Mortimer Adler’s and Charles Van Doren’s _How to Read a Book_, a classic that itself ought to be more widely read. In short, if you are an academic: read this book, no matter where you are in your career; but if you’re just starting out, read it twice.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
I highly recommend this student to any student in the social sciences ...
By Amazon Customer
As a current graduate student, there is quite a bit of mystery in terms of what constitutes a 'successful' academic paper. Often, at least, in my experience professors assume the process of research, writing and editing to have been mastered by us.This book fills in any gaps in knowledge a student (particularly at the graduate level) might have in pursuing their research. There are some questions that seem almost too obvious to ask and this book helps you answer them. In the book, Abbott takes his reader through each stage of the research process and provides explanations for things that are perfunctory but lacking any rationale (for example, you'll learn the purpose of an annotated bibliography!).Abbott's thoughtful and lucidly written work has greatly helped me with my research process, and I expect to continuously refer to it as I ​progress towards my dissertation.I highly recommend this student to any student in the social sciences or humanities. It is clearly written and does not dumb down information while simultaneously being highly informative.

2 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
The book was incredibly rich with useful practical advice on both readings
By reader
A small proportion of books repay multiple readings. If you are a young scholar working on a large research project, this is one of them. I read it first while searching around for a dissertation topic. I read it a second time in the early phase of actually writing the dissertation. The book was incredibly rich with useful practical advice on both readings, but different portions of it have struck me as particularly important depending on the problems I was grappling with at any moment. Your own research design will not end up modeling Abbott's in all details, but that's not the goal of the book. The goal is to help you conceptualize library research as a skill, which can be learned and honed, without giving up all the serendipitous benefits that come from browsing, talking random walks, reconceptualizing your question and so on. It succeeds brilliantly at that -- it will make you a more successful and a more efficient library researcher.

See all 6 customer reviews...

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[G428.Ebook] Free Ebook Digital Paper: A Manual for Research and Writing with Library and Internet Materials (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing) Doc

Minggu, 09 September 2012

[P214.Ebook] Free PDF Application Development Using C# and .NET, by Michael Stiefel, Robert J. Oberg

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Application Development Using C# and .NET, by Michael Stiefel, Robert J. Oberg

Application Development Using C# and .NET, by Michael Stiefel, Robert J. Oberg

Application Development Using C# and .NET, by Michael Stiefel, Robert J. Oberg

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Application Development Using C# and .NET, by Michael Stiefel, Robert J. Oberg

Application Development Using C# and .NET gives experienced developers unprecedented insight for building .NET enterprise applications with C#. A running case study covers the entire process: creating a monolithic C# console application; adding a Windows Forms interface; isolating functionality inside components, providing database access and security; and delivering functionality through ASP.NET and Web Services. Includes self-contained language overview for new C# users.

  • Sales Rank: #2501844 in Books
  • Color: Blue
  • Brand: Prentice Hall
  • Published on: 2001-12-31
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x 1.40" w x 6.90" l, 2.26 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 656 pages
  • Great product!

From the Back Cover

Build industrial-strength .NET applications with C#!

  • Practical, useful information on the .NET Framework, the Common Language Runtime, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, Web Services, security, interoperability, and more
  • Running case study: see how concepts work together when you build .NET applications
  • Experienced C++, Java, and Visual Basic programmers: become effective with .NET!

This book gives experienced developers all the practical insight they need to build enterprise applications for Microsoft's .NET platform using C#. Using extensive code examples and a running case study, the authors illuminate the .NET concepts and technologies that offer the greatest power and value. They cover the entire process of constructing a .NET application: creating a monolithic C# console application; enhancing it with a Windows Forms interface; isolating functionality inside components, adding database access and security; and finally, delivering functionality through ASP.NET and Web Services.

  • .NET Framework and Common Language Runtime fundamentals for experienced programmers
  • Key .NET features: interfaces, attributes, collections, threading, remoting, assemblies, and more
  • Hands-on coverage of ADO.NET, ASP.NET, Web Services, and user interface programming
  • Component deployment and versioning
  • Ensuring interoperability with diverse and legacy systems
  • Includes a self-contained C# overview for those new to the language

Part of The Integrated .NET series from Object Innovations.

About the Author

MICHAEL STIEFEL is a consultant who specializes in developing enterprise applications with Microsoft technology. His expertise covers all stages of design and implementation for multi-tier applications. He has worked for Microsoft and taught graduate-level software engineering at Northeastern University.

DR. ROBERT J. OBERG is the founder and President of Object Innovations, a leading developer of integrated courseware on fundamental software technologies including Microsoft .NET, COM/DCOM/COM+, MFC, OLE, and Java. His books include Understanding and Programming COM+ and Introduction to C# Using .NET (Prentice Hall PTR).

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Microsoft .NET is an advance in programming technology that greatly simplifies application development both for traditional, proprietary applications, and for the emerging paradigm of Web-based services. .NET is a complete restructuring of MicrosoftÕs whole system infrastructure and represents a major learning challenge for programmers developing applications on Microsoft platforms. The new platform includes a new programming language C# and a major class library, the .NET Framework.

This book covers important topics in the .NET Framework for experienced programmers. You do not need prior experience in C#, because there is a self-contained treatment, but you should have experience in some object-oriented language such as C++ or Java. The book could also be read by a seasoned Visual Basic programmer who has experience working with objects and components in VB.

If you already understand C#, you may safely skip or skim Chapters 3 and 4. Chapter 5 contains important information about the interactions of C# and the .NET Framework. You may then proceed with a detailed study of the .NET Framework in Chapters 6 and beyond. For a thorough introduction to the C# language you may read the book Introduction to C# Using .NET.

The book is practical, with many examples and a major case study. The goal is to equip you to begin building significant applications using the .NET Framework. The book is part of The Integrated .NET Series from Object Innovations and Prentice Hall PTR.


The book is organized into five major parts, and is structured to make it easy for you to navigate to what you most need to know. The first part, consisting of Chapters 1 and 2, should be read by everyone. It answers the question "What is Microsoft .NET?" and outlines the programming model of the .NET Framework.

The second part, consisting of Chapters 3Ð5, covers the C# programming language. If you are already familiar with C# you can skim these chapters, paying the most attention to Chapter 5, which covers topics such as interfaces, delegates, and events. This chapter also describes important interactions between C# and the .NET Framework. The case study, which is elaborated throughout the entire book, is introduced in Chapter 4.

The third part, Chapters 6Ð9, covers important fundamental topics in the .NET Framework. Chapter 6 covers user interface programming using the Windows Forms classes. Chapter 7 discusses assemblies and deployment, which constitute a major advance in the simplicity and robustness of deploying Windows applications, ending the notorious "DLL hell." Chapter 8 delves into important .NET Framework classes, including the topics of metadata, serialization, threading, attributes, application domains, asynchronous programming, remoting, and memory management. Chapter 9 covers ADO.NET, which provides a consistent set of classes for accessing both relational and XML Data.

The fourth part of the book provides an in-depth introduction to Web programming using ASP.NET and SOAP. Chapter 10 introduces the fundamentals of ASP.NET, including the use of Web Forms, which greatly simplifies the development of sophisticated Web sites. Chapter 11 covers SOAP and Web Services, which provide an easy-to-use and robust mechanism for heterogeneous systems to interoperate.

The final part of the book covers additional important topics in the .NET Framework. Chapter 12 covers the topic of security in detail, including code access security, declarative security, and the securing of Web applications and services. Chapter 13 introduces the debug and trace classes provided by .NET. Chapter 14 covers interoperability of .NET with COM and with Win32 applications.

Sample Programs

The only way to really learn a major framework is to read and write many, many programs, including some of reasonable size. This book provides many small programs that illustrate pertinent features of .NET in isolation, which makes them easy to understand. The programs are clearly labeled in the text, and they can all be found in the software distribution that accompanies this book.

A major case study, the Acme Travel Agency, is progressively developed in Chapters 4 through 12. It illustrates many features of C# and .NET working in combination, as they would in a practical application.

The sample programs are provided in a self-extracting file on the bookÕs Web site. When expanded, a directory structure is created, whose default root is c:\OI\NetCs. The sample programs, which begin with the second chapter, are in directories Chap02, Chap03, and so on. All the samples for a given chapter are in individual folders within the chapter directories. The names of the folders are clearly identified in the text. Each chapter that contains a step of the case study has a folder called CaseStudy, containing that step. If necessary, there is a readme.txt file in each chapter directory to explain any instructions necessary for getting the examples to work.

This book is part of The Integrated .NET Series. The sample programs for other books in the series are located in their own directories underneath \OI, so all the .NET examples from all books in the series will be located in a common area as you install them.

These programs are furnished solely for instructional purposes and should not be embedded in any software product. The software (including instructions for use) is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.


The book and the associated code were developed with Beta 2 of the .NET Framework. Microsoft has indicated that this version of .NET is close to what will be the final version. Nonetheless, changes will be made before .NET is released. The code in the examples has been verified to work only with Windows 2000. Database code has been verified with SQL Server 2000. Several examples in the database and security chapters have machine names embedded in connection strings or role names. When trying to run these examples, you will have to replace those names with the appropriate name for your machine. To make installation easy, the database examples run with user name "sa" and without a password. Needless to say, in a real system you should NEVER have any login id without a password or have a database application use sa to log into a database.

Web Sites

The Web site for the book series is:


A link is provided at that Web site for downloading the sample programs for this book.

Additional information about .NET technology is available at:


The book sample programs are available at this Web site as well.

The Web site for the book will also have a list of .NET learning resources that will be kept up to date.

Most helpful customer reviews

38 of 38 people found the following review helpful.
Great overview!
This book is extremely well written, the topics are presented in a clear and logical manner and the explanations are great. It has an excellent introduction to the .NET framework, a C# overview (this is NOT a book for learning C# from scratch), a chapter on UI programming (event handling, menus, controls, dialog boxes etc), Assemblies and Deployment, the .NET framework class library, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, Web Services, Security and more. All these subjects could span thick books on their own but this book explains what they are and ties them all in together, without going into massive detail. This book works best when you use it to learn about the different areas of .NET and how they work together and reference other books or the documentation for an in-depth look at specific topics.
Get this book if:
- you are an experienced programmer who is still wondering "what is .NET?" and wants to get a great overview of .NET programming
- if you have developed applications the "old" way and need to quickly jump into .NET development and get a job done without having to know every detail of what goes on underneath the hood
- if you already know Java or C++ and are looking to learn about the basics of C# and about how you can use it in the .NET framework to get the job done.
Do NOT get this book if:
- you are looking for a total and complete tutorial on C#
- you are a beginner at programming and want to start out by learning the .NET framework (this book assumes prior knowledge)
- you want total in-depth knowledge of how the .NET framework works under the hood
- if you do not already have (at least a basic) understanding of application programming

13 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
good book, expansive coverage, but room for improvement
By James D. Christopher
This book has a lot of positive things going for it. The target audience is clearly developers with a little experience under their belts. This is great ( assuming you actually *do* have a little experience under your belt ), because there isn't a lot of wasted bulk in the book covering language syntax details that you can pick up if you have any programming experience. Instead, the book focuses on the meaty topics of app development - e.g., security in the .NET platform, threading, application models, a bit of windows forms, a bit of ADO, a bit of ASP. and a nice section on the built-in debugging and tracing facilities of .NET. The scope of the book is rather expansive, which usually means that the coverage of any given topic is superficial. That is not necessarily the case here; a lot of topics are covered in depth. Of course, any one chapter in the book could easily become a book on its own; however the authors do a good job of covering at least the basics of each topic, and in most cases explain sufficiently beyond the core concepts. The book is a success in this arena - the approach is a "this is how you get your job done" versus "this is how it will theoretically be done after you consult the online documentation".
This book also has a few negatives. The writing can be dense, due at least in part to the vastness of subject matter. I ended up rereading sections over and over again, and at times I've had to resort to other references to make sense of parts of this book; e.g., the section on security is filled with so many keywords and layers of detail that I had to start writing terms and definitions down to keep them straight ( a table or detailed diagram would have been nice ). In this sense the writing is often ... linear, which doesn't take away from the density of the topic. The example-based approach the authors chose works very well, but I personally prefer full source listings to the clips and snips from downloadable example code that are used in most places in the book.
Past those few negatives, there is a lot of useful information in the book and its example code. Recommended; invesigate other options if you want, but you'll definately get a lot of use out of this book if you're working with the .NET platform.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent Tutorial
By Thomas Paul
"Application Development Using C# and .Net" is an excellent introduction to the .Net framework. This book is for the experienced developer with knowledge of an object oriented language such as Java or C++. The first part of the book gives a quick introduction to the basics of the .Net framework. The next three chapters give a rundown of C#. Three chapters is hardly enough to explain any programming language in any detail but the book provides enough detail to make a Java/C++ programmer feel comfortable with the language. The remainder of the book covers using C# to develop programs in the .Net framework. ASP.NET, windows forms and ADO.NET are all covered with a running case study. Building assemblies is given a good amount of coverage as is security. Web services are also explained with examples showing how to use WSDL to generate client proxy classes. I especially appreciated how all the pieces were demonstrated through the VisualStudio IDE. This was the first book I read on .Net and after having finished it I felt that I had a good, if basic understanding of the various parts that make up the .Net framework. You should note that the index is almost useless. For example, there is not a single entry for SQL in spite of the book having a chapter on using ADO.NET to access relational databases. As with most introductions, this book does not work as a reference. But as a learning tool, this book excels.

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Diary of Ten Years: Eventful Life of an Early Settler in Western Australia, by George Fletcher Moore

Diary of Ten Years Eventful Life of an Early Settler in Western Australia by George Fletcher Moore

  • Sales Rank: #1701861 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2011-10-26
  • Released on: 2011-10-26
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Diary of ten years
By James Andrews
George Moore was a pioneer settler in the early days of the colony of Western Australia. He established his own farm and was also amagistrate. He gives a very interesting and detailed account of the life of those times.

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  • Sales Rank: #1798603 in Books
  • Published on: 2008
  • Dimensions: 6.03 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover

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