Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

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Art of Space, by Mary Cook

Art of Space, by Mary Cook

Art of Space, by Mary Cook

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Art of Space, by Mary Cook

The Art of Space presents an elegantly simple philosophy that demystifies the process of interior design. It helps everyone from the professional practitioner to the aficionado homeowner become a better designer by bringing the full power and potential of great design to your life. As you take the journey through The Art of Space, you will learn the tested, tried, and true principles of interior design that are infinitely complex, elegantly simple, and eminently achievable. Filled with beautiful photographic examples of each of the seven fundamental principles, The Art of Space is crafted to be a textbook, a coffee table book, and an ongoing source of creative inspiration. Mary Cook is a nationally recognized interior designer. Her Chicago-based firm, Mary Cook Associates, has been delivering award-winning interior design for commercial and residential clients for more than 25 years.

  • Sales Rank: #1268044 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-01-21
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 216 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Beautiful and very useful
By Tracy Rowan
This is a lovely, useful book for anyone who wants to make their home into their dream of what it could be. By enumerating the seven basic principles of good interior design, Mary Cook gives her readers a road map of how to get from Bare to There. It's not an easy process, but once you've studied the seven principles, you have a much better chance of realizing your dreams.

These principles are: 1) Objective -- What is your goal? How do you want your room to feel, and how do you want to feel when you're in it. There's a reason why this is the first principle since subsequent ones rely on you knowing these things in order to proceed. Do you want the room to be warm? Orderly? Should it feel safe? Should it feel open and expansive? Cook explains the methods by which the home owner can decide what s/he wants. As she says, "Whatever you want, can be well designed."

2) Function and Livability -- What is the purpose of the room? Is it a bedroom? Dining room? Children's room? These are the most basic functions of your room. The function informs the way you make the room livable, comfortable, easy and pleasant to use.

3) Scale and Proportion -- This is where a lot of people go badly wrong, filling rooms with items that are too big or too small for the scale of the room. Imagine a huge chandelier in a small dining room with low ceilings and you have the scale and proportion problem. Cook explains how to choose both the right furnishings for your room size, but also how to choose a group of furnishings which will work together in the right proportions.

4) Light and Lighting -- So much more important than we initially think. Light must not only be adequate to the function of the room, but it should be part of what creates the mood you've chosen (Objective)

5) Color -- Easily my favorite topic in terms of decorating since I'm Color Girl. Cook explains how color sets the mood of the room, and how lighting will affect your colors, which is why painting swatches is so important.

6) Pattern and Texture -- While so much of the first five principles seem evident, pattern and texture tends to be more of an afterthought. Imagine finding a chair in the right proportions and color bringing it home and realizing that leather looks all wrong in the Victorian style you're going for. Or finding a pattern you love and realizing that it looks awful against the texture of your wall covering. Cook helps the home designer understand how to use both pattern and texture in harmony with the other principles.

7) Significant, Relevant Ornament -- This is your art, your collections, and it goes back to the first principle. Is part of your objective to show these things to good effect? If you don't consider this, then you may not be happy with the final result. For those who want to build the room from scratch, Cook talks about how to understand what sort of ornaments will be both significant to catch the eye, and relevant to your objective.

There are a couple of things which I found a little disappointing in this book, and the first, and I think the biggest one is that all the spaces are high end. Now I understand why that is. Mary Cook is a professional designer, and the people who can afford her services are high end sorta people. I do get that what we're seeing are photos from the work she's done. And it's beautiful, all of it. However, a lot of us low end people want the chance to make more of our surroundings, and it would have been nice to see a few examples of what you can do with stuff you can buy from places like Ikea, or other, more affordable places. Show us what we can do with things from Pier One! Prove to us that virtually anyone who can afford to paint a room and buy a couple of pieces of furniture can realize their home objectives.

The other quibble I have -- and it's a very personal one -- is that because I am Color Girl, I didn't find nearly enough boldness in the palettes of the book. The vast majority of rooms are entirely neutral. Some have touches of color. Only a very few really popped for me. Again, I know I'm in the minority, but that doesn't mean that there aren't a lot of us out there who would love to see our tastes reflected in a book which really should cut across all lines of taste and budget.

That said, I still really recommend this book to anyone who is thinking of undertaking a decorating project. It might save you from tearing your hair out and making expensive mistakes.

Disclaimer: I was sent this product in exchange for a review.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
The Book that Clearly Teaches the 7 Principles of Interior Design
By Mana Ionescu
I've never been artsy so I had a bit of a deficit as an adult trying to envision the ideal space for me. I've been a bit disappointed with the advice I find online, since it's mostly decorating advice, not "design," advice. In other words, I was looking to learn how to create a space, not just how to embellish one. This is the first book I found that made me think, "now I get it." The book walks you through 7 principles to employ to create your space, starting with objective, then function and livability, scale + proportion (my favorite chapter), light + lightning, color, pattern + texture and significant + relevant ornament. Don't look for the "over the top design" that no one has lived in. This is a gorgeous book for designing homes that will make YOU happy. It's one of a kind. I can also see this book as a fantastic manual for the interior design student. I highly recommend it.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
like finally understanding a language you've always wanted to speak
By JJG17
Every now and then I encounter something that takes an intimidating topic and boils it down in a way that makes it accessible and enjoyable. That's what this book has done for me. I'm not an expert by any means. But interior design is something that I appreciate so much when I experience it done well. For me, it comes down to a feeling - more than comfort and more than aesthetic appeal. When I'm in a space that actually adds to my experience it's because it resonates on some deeper level that I've never been able to articulate, much less figure out how to do it. That's what this book does for me. It actually tells me WHY a space is well designed and (here's the scary part) it arms with me some simple principles to venture out on my own with something I've never had when it comes to design: a small bit of confidence. Mary Cook breaks down the indecipherable (to me) and not only makes it approachable, she makes it doable. The book combines simple and intuitive theory with beautifully photographed examples so the ideas actually come to life. I'll admit that one of my worst fears is doing something stupid (and expensively so) when it comes to my home, as I look to take my 80 year old house that is in dire need of updating and make it work for my family. After spending some time with this book, and using it to help my wife and I actually make decisions, or even be a more informed client when engaging a professional designer, I started to feel a lot better about the money I'm spending on something that used to be pretty terrifying.

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Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

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The Diversity of Modern Capitalism by Amable Bruno (2004-02-12) Paperback, by Amable Bruno

  • Published on: 1600
  • Binding: Paperback

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Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

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OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook - Third Edition, by Kevin Jackson, Cody Bunch, Egle Sigler

Over 110 effective recipes to help you build and operate OpenStack cloud computing, storage, networking, and automation

About This Book
  • Explore many new features of OpenStack's Juno and Kilo releases
  • Install, configure, and administer core projects with the help of OpenStack Object Storage, Block Storage, and Neutron Networking services
  • Harness the abilities of experienced OpenStack administrators and architects, and run your own private cloud successfully
  • Practical, real-world examples of each service and an accompanying Vagrant environment that helps you learn quickly

In Detail

OpenStack Open Source software is one of the most used cloud infrastructures to support software development and big data analysis. It is developed by a thriving community of individual developers from around the globe and backed by most of the leading players in the cloud space today.

It is simple to implement, massively scalable, and can store a large pool of data and networking resources. OpenStack has a strong ecosystem that helps you provision your cloud storage needs. Add OpenStack's enterprise features to reduce the cost of your business.

This book will show you the steps to build up a private cloud environment. At the beginning, you'll discover the uses of cloud services such as the identity service, image service, and compute service. You'll dive into Neutron, the OpenStack Networking service, and get your hands dirty with configuring ML2, networks, routers, and Distributed Virtual Routers. You'll then gather more expert knowledge on OpenStack cloud computing by managing your cloud's security and migration. After that, we delve in to OpenStack Object storage and how to manage servers and work with objects, cluster, and storage functionalities. Also, as you go deeper into the realm of OpenStack, you'll learn practical examples of Block storage, LBaaS, and FWaaS: installation and configuration covered ground up. Finally, you will learn OpenStack dashboard, Ansible and Foreman, Keystone, and other interesting topics.

What You Will Learn
  • Understand, install, configure, and manage Nova―the OpenStack Cloud Compute resource
  • Configure ML2, networks, routers, and Distributed Virtual Routers with Neutron
  • Use and secure Keystone, the OpenStack Authentication service
  • Install and set up Swift and Container Replication between datacenters
  • Gain hands-on experience and familiarity with Horizon, the OpenStack Dashboard user interface
  • Automate complete solutions with our recipes on Heat, the OpenStack Orchestration service
  • Use Ansible and Foreman to automate OpenStack installations successfully
  • Follow practical advice and examples to run OpenStack in production

Who This Book Is For

This book is aimed at cloud system engineers, system administrators, and technical architects who are moving from a virtualized environment to cloud environments. This book assumes that you are familiar with cloud computing platforms, and have knowledge of virtualization, networking, and managing Linux environments.

Style and approach

Clear, step-by-step instructions coupled with practical and applicable recipes that'll enable you to use and implement the latest features of OpenStack.

  • Sales Rank: #604424 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-08-19
  • Released on: 2015-08-19
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.25" h x .99" w x 7.50" l, 1.64 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 436 pages

About the Author

Kevin Jackson

Kevin Jackson is married and has three children. He is an experienced IT professional working with business and enterprises of all sizes at Rackspace as an OpenStack and private cloud specialist. Kevin has been working with OpenStack since early 2011 and has extensive experience of various flavors of Linux, Unix, and hosting environments. Kevin can be found on Twitter at @itarchitectkev. Kevin authored the first edition and coauthored the second edition of the OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook, Packt Publishing. Kevin also coauthored OpenStack Foundation's OpenStack Architecture Design Guide during a 5-day book sprint in California.

Cody Bunch

Cody Bunch is a principal architect in the Rackspace Private Cloud group based out of San Antonio, Texas. Cody has been working with OpenStack since early 2012, coauthored the second edition of this book and also coauthored OpenStack Security Guide. Cody has extensive experience with virtualized and cloud environments in various-sized enterprises and hosting environments. Cody can be found on Twitter at @cody_bunch.

Egle Sigler

Egle Sigler is an OpenStack Foundation board member and a principal architect in the Rackspace Private Cloud group based out of San Antonio, Texas. Egle holds an M.S. degree in computer science. She started her career as a software developer and still has a soft spot for all the people who write, test, and deploy code, since she has had the chance to do all of those tasks throughout her career. Egle dreams about a day when writing, testing, and deploying code will be a seamless and easy process―bug and frustration free for all. Egle believes that knowledge should be shared and has tried to do this by writing this book, giving talks and workshops at conferences, and blogging. Egle can be found on Twitter at @eglute. She has coauthored DevOps for VMware Administrators (VMware Press Technology).

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great book overall
By Amazon Customer
Great book overall. These days I don't think that you should deploy OpenStack this way, even for dev support systems. However it is a great learning experience to do it manually and this book takes that approach, and you learn a lot along the way.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By M. Silvia
A great overview and walkthrough of core components.

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  • Sales Rank: #6591066 in Books
  • Published on: 1609
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Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

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Arm-locks for All Styles, by Iain Abernethy

Arm-Locks for All Styles is a must read for all martial artists who wish to expand, enhance and develop their knowledge of arm-locks. The wide range of wrist, elbow and shoulder locks covered in this book ensures that it will be of benefit to all martial artists, regardless of style. This book will help practitioners of 'striking systems' to introduce armlocks into their training, Martial artists who are more familiar with armlocks are sure to enjoy the wide diversity of content and the unorthodox nature of some of the locks covered. This book also includes detailed guidance on how touncover the arm-locks 'hidden' within the katas, hyungs and forms. Arm-Locks for All Styles covers locks that can be used whilst fighting vertically and on the ground and is a must for all martial artists who understand the need for skills at all ranges of combat.

  • Sales Rank: #1181019 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-11-13
  • Released on: 2012-11-13
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
A GREAT Intro to Arm Locks!
By Kurt Schulenburg
Iain Abernethy is pretty much "re-inventing" karate by returning to karate's roots. His bunkai (analysis) of the kata (forms) shows many moves that have lain "hidden" within the forms, exiled there by a generation or two of teachers who were taught to not ask questions. This book emphasizes the arm locks, shoulder locks and wrist grabs that ARE in the forms along with many different approaches to utilizing these techniques. Plenty of clear pictures grace the pages, along with concise descriptions and together they create a hands on learning experience that won't leave you confused. This is a book for the karate student who gets up out of his chair and applies these techniques!

Just about any Iain Abernethy production, be it book or DVD, is worth buying as his "new" approach really has opened the eyes of students AND teachers around the world.

2 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
By A Reader
One of the better locking books out there. Has a decent amount of locking techniques without becoming overly complicated. The photos in the book are of good size and clear and consice, unlike some of the other books on the market where you have to strain eyes and brain to figure how they aquired that particular lock. Although I do not train in a Kata based system. He makes valid points not unlike Dillman about the proper use of Kata. There are 11 wrist-locking techniques, 29 staight arm locks some on the ground, some standing up, 14 bent arm locks again some standing some on the ground, 3 transitioning training drills. Sorry no finger locking techniques, for that get a hold of Prof. Jays Small Circle Jujitsu, or any good Chin na book. Not a bad book to add to your locking library.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By Rolando Vega
Amazing breakdown of arm locks. Detailed easy to follow with great pictures. Iain has done his homework and continues to produce quality product.

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Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

[I573.Ebook] Ebook Free Child Development From Infancy to Adolescence: An Active Learning Approach, by Laura E. Levine, Joyce Munsch

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Child Development From Infancy to Adolescence: An Active Learning Approach, by Laura E. Levine, Joyce Munsch

Child Development From Infancy to Adolescence: An Active Learning Approach, by Laura E. Levine, Joyce Munsch

Child Development From Infancy to Adolescence: An Active Learning Approach, by Laura E. Levine, Joyce Munsch

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Child Development From Infancy to Adolescence: An Active Learning Approach, by Laura E. Levine, Joyce Munsch

This exciting chronological introduction to child development employs the lauded active learning approach of Laura E. Levine and Joyce Munsch’s successful topical text, inviting students to forge a personal connection to the latest topics shaping the field, including neuroscience, diversity, culture, play, and media. Using innovative pedagogy, Child Development From Infancy to Adolescence: An Active Learning Approach reveals a wide range of real-world applications for research and theory, creating an engaging learning experience that equips students with tools they can use long after the class ends.

  • Sales Rank: #114480 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-01-08
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.70" h x 1.10" w x 8.30" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 760 pages


“This book will guide students to make the link between ‘book learning’ and real life experience with children and adolescents.” 

(Maria Pagano, New York City College of Technology, CUNY)

“I loved the active learning approach. It spoke to me as an educator. I feel that incorporating this type of learning into the classroom will generate more activity in the classroom setting.”

(Helen I. Green, Cuyahoga Community College)

“I found that the authors did a great job of telling the story of child development. Rather than each chapter being a series of facts and concepts, each chapter wove a clear concept thread throughout each of the sections, so [that] when you finished a chapter you had a well-sown fabric of understanding.”

(Lisa Huffmann, Ball State University)

“I particularly like the writing style and tone. I also find the active learning approach and exercises [to be] excellent.”

(Sharon DeLeon, Fullerton College)

“This book is far superior in terms of pedagogical features.” 

(Michelle Tichy, University of Northern Iowa)

“Again and again, Levine and Munsch seek to engage the reader. What could be better?”

(Tim Dickel, Creighton University)

About the Author

Laura E. Levine received her PhD in developmental and clinical psychology from the University of Michigan. After working with children and families at the Children’s Psychiatric Hospital and in private practice in Ann Arbor for 10 years, she moved to Connecticut and was a stay-at-home mother of her two children for 6 years. She returned to academia in 1994 and taught child psychology and life span development for 20 years at Central Connecticut State University, where she is currently a professor emerita of the Department of Psychological Science. She has received three university teaching awards, and her research on the social development of young children and on the relation between media use and attention difficulties has appeared in journals such as Developmental Psychology, the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Infant Mental Health Journal, Infant and Child Development, Computers and Education, and CyberPsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.

Dr. Levine has been very active in promoting excellence in college teaching. She was involved in the creation of the Center for Teaching Excellence at Central Connecticut State University and served on the board of the Connecticut Consortium to Enhance Learning and Teaching. She created numerous programs for faculty both at her university and at regional and national conferences. Her work on the scholarship of teaching and learning can be found in New Directions for Teaching and Learning, College Teaching and the International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

Joyce Munsch received her PhD in human development and family studies from Cornell University. She was a faculty member in human development and family studies at Texas Tech University for 14 years, where she also served as associate dean for research in the College of Human Sciences for 2 years. In 2002, Dr. Munsch went to the California State University at Northridge as the founding chair and professor in the Department of Child and Adolescent Development. She currently is an emeritus professor in the Department.

Dr. Munsch’s research has focused on adolescent stress and coping and social network research. Her work has been published in the Journal of School Psychology, Adolescence, The Journal of Early Adolescence, the Journal of Research on Adolescence, and the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. Throughout her career, Dr. Munsch administered grants that supported community-based programs. She was the codirector of the Early Head Start program at Texas Tech University and co–principal investigator for three Texas Youth Commission (Department of Juvenile Justice) grants. At Cal State Northridge, she administered the Jumpstart program for over 10 years. Her commitment to community service learning was recognized in 2005 when she was awarded the CSUN Visionary Community Service Learning Award. In 2012, her service to the County of Los Angeles was recognized by a commendation from the County Board of Supervisors. At Texas Tech, she was the College of Human Sciences nominee for the Hemphill-Wells New Professor Excellence in Teaching Award, the Barnie E. Rushing Jr. Faculty Distinguished Research Award, the El Paso Energy Foundation Faculty Achievement Award, and the President’s Excellence in Teaching Award, and she received the Kathryn Burleson Faculty Service Award and the College of Human Sciences Outstanding Researcher Award.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By Melvin
Was very good and informative. Very easy to understand. Enjoyed most of the topics. The author goes more into detail of communication, so that was interesting...

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
I don't want to say its a bad book but I used Bright Futures much more
By Amazon Customer
I don't want to say its a bad book but I used Bright Futures much more. Having said that, it is a good health promo book.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Mark D. Newitt
My daughter loved it! No complaints!

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[I573.Ebook] Ebook Free Child Development From Infancy to Adolescence: An Active Learning Approach, by Laura E. Levine, Joyce Munsch Doc
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Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

[V866.Ebook] Fee Download Rock Blasting and Explosives Engineering, by Per-Anders Persson, Roger Holmberg, Jaimin Lee

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Rock Blasting and Explosives Engineering, by Per-Anders Persson, Roger Holmberg, Jaimin Lee

Rock Blasting and Explosives Engineering, by Per-Anders Persson, Roger Holmberg, Jaimin Lee

Rock Blasting and Explosives Engineering, by Per-Anders Persson, Roger Holmberg, Jaimin Lee

Fee Download Rock Blasting and Explosives Engineering, by Per-Anders Persson, Roger Holmberg, Jaimin Lee

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Rock Blasting and Explosives Engineering, by Per-Anders Persson, Roger Holmberg, Jaimin Lee

Rock Blasting and Explosives Engineering covers the practical engineering aspects of many different kinds of rock blasting. It includes a thorough analysis of the cost of the entire process of tunneling by drilling and blasting in comparison with full-face boring. Also covered are the fundamental sciences of rock mass and material strength, the thermal decomposition, burning, shock initiation, and detonation behavior of commercial and military explosives, and systems for charging explosives into drillholes. Functional descriptions of all current detonators and initiation systems are provided. The book includes chapters on flyrock, toxic fumes, the safety of explosives, and even explosives applied in metal working as a fine art. Fundamental in its approach, the text is based on the practical industrial experience of its authors. It is supported by an abundance of tables, diagrams, and figures.

This combined textbook and handbook provides students, practitioners, and researchers in mining, mechanical, building construction, geological, and petroleum engineering with a source from which to gain a thorough understanding of the constructive use of explosives.

  • Sales Rank: #169966 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: CRC Press
  • Published on: 1993-10-25
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.00" h x 1.19" w x 7.01" l, 2.62 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 560 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Waste of Money and Time
By Derek Apel
The book is impossible to follow and if you are looking for a textbook to teach rock blasting you will be very disappointed.
Frankly, I am not sure what kind of audience this book is intended for. This book is made of several loosely jointed papers and I should add that these are unfinished papers.

4 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Higher Level Text book on Exolosive Engeneering
By S. Rubin
If you do not understand numeric modeling of explosive performance, basic trigonometric equations or algebraic examples within Detonation Modeling, it would be best to start with a book a bit less advanced. This text is somewhat similar to Detonation Modeling (Davis) & one needs SOME background in professional explosive workshops & symposiums to appreciate this book to the fullest. It is written for 3rd year Mining College students.
It's short comings are that it gives and introduction to quite a few items but goes into great depth on very few. However it DOES have well written notes so that the interested student can complete the introduction, into full length study very easily.
However it is one of the better PROFESSIONAL texts on EE & some of the contributor's are still teaching.
This book is NOT designed to learn how to blow over tree stumps. That bit of information is available in most workshops and courses in introductory mining college course work. This book is a well defined introduction to understanding how professional explosive engineers make decisions in the work arena, what resultant yields could be, & expectations of directional usage.
If you DO have a background or would like to truly professionalize your understanding of EE than this book is a great addition to any collection.
I bought this book for my uncle who wanted me to write this review - as the book is a professional textbook not the Anarchist's Cookbook.
It's thrust is to help a Journeyman engineer understand the critical decisions and techniques used in modern blasting. There ARE subject interjections of aluminized explosives and shaped charges but they are generally in context and not for the beginner. The book assumes the reader knows the basic concepts of EE and wants to explore numeric modeling and aspects such as less confined brisance vs focused energy. Generally, it is an excellent book for those who read and study subject-level material for more than a few days. It is designed for a classroom environment and lab.

1 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
heory and practice in one book
By Jose Adelmar de Mello Franco
It starts with a good description of what are explosives (Chapter 3). I believe Chapters 1and 2 are useless for an experienced Rock Mechanics Engineer and the book is faulty under this aspect. These Chapters are unnecessary, because it seems that they were written with the intention of explaining the Fracture Mechanics and the Mechanics of Drilling but they fail completely in doing that. These are very complex fields and they cannot be comprehensively detailed in just a few pages.
Chapter 4 describes the theory behind shock waves and this Chapter is mandatory; it is also well written, in a way that it is pleasing to read. The remaining Chapters are both theoretical and practical and it must be highlighted that they provide a good background for the solutions of daily engineering problems, mainly for the specialists that are in the field trying to perform rock blasting correctly and economically.

J.A. de Mello Franco MSc, DIC, PhD

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[V866.Ebook] Fee Download Rock Blasting and Explosives Engineering, by Per-Anders Persson, Roger Holmberg, Jaimin Lee Doc
[V866.Ebook] Fee Download Rock Blasting and Explosives Engineering, by Per-Anders Persson, Roger Holmberg, Jaimin Lee Doc

Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

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Cytohistology: Essential and Basic Concepts (Cytohistology of Small Tissue Samples)From Cambridge University Press

This book represents the essentials of diagnostic cytopathology. Clinical research has confirmed the efficacy of the cytologic method of disease diagnosis and it is now considered the definitive method for identifying a wide array of malignancies. Cytohistology: Essentials and Basic Concepts comprehensively covers all the morphologic variations and landmarks in cells that can potentially signal disease. Morphologies in cancer are the primary focus but all potential changes in infectious and inflammatory disorders are also covered in detail. There is a separate section on molecular and other ancillary diagnostic techniques in cytopathology. Conceptual drawings presented in a pansystemic approach and incorporating state-of-the-art techniques show basic cytomorphologic features essential for interpretation of cytopathology specimens. Diagnostic pitfalls and challenging intellectual nuggets are also presented. A supplementary CD with images in a downloadable format is included.

  • Published on: 2011-02-17
  • Platform: No Operating System
  • Original language: English
  • Binding: Printed Access Code

"This monograph will serve as an excellent introductory textbook for students in the field of cytopathology or for the seasoned cytopathology professional who just may need an update on criteria! It is an updated text that provides basic cytomorphologic concepts critical to the interpretation of cytologic specimens." The ASC Bulletin (2011), Donna K. Russell, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester

About the Author
Prabodh K. Gupta is Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Director of Cytopathology and Cytometry at the University of Pennsylvania Health System and Director of the Cytopathology Training Program at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA.

Zubair W. Baloch is Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, Philadephia, PA, USA.

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Cytohistology: Essential and Basic Concepts (Cytohistology of Small Tissue Samples)From Cambridge University Press EPub
Cytohistology: Essential and Basic Concepts (Cytohistology of Small Tissue Samples)From Cambridge University Press Doc
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[B365.Ebook] PDF Download Cytohistology: Essential and Basic Concepts (Cytohistology of Small Tissue Samples)From Cambridge University Press Doc

[B365.Ebook] PDF Download Cytohistology: Essential and Basic Concepts (Cytohistology of Small Tissue Samples)From Cambridge University Press Doc
[B365.Ebook] PDF Download Cytohistology: Essential and Basic Concepts (Cytohistology of Small Tissue Samples)From Cambridge University Press Doc

Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010

[Y527.Ebook] Fee Download Exploring Microeconomics, by Robert L. Sexton

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Exploring Microeconomics, by Robert L. Sexton

EXPLORING MICROECONOMICS, 6TH EDITION, was designed specifically to promote economic literacy and help you appreciate how economics affects your everyday life. This engaging text combines innovative learning tools, a visually appealing design, and captivating content to help you easily absorb information and master key concepts. Packed with examples from current events and pop culture, EXPLORING MICROECONOMICS succeeds like no other book in conveying the excitement and real-world relevance of economics.

  • Sales Rank: #770089 in Books
  • Brand: Cengage Learning
  • Published on: 2012-01-01
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Format: Student Calendar
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .90" h x 8.40" w x 10.70" l, 2.50 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 608 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
A distinguished professor of economics at Pepperdine University's Seaver College, Robert Sexton is a graduate of California Lutheran College and received his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Colorado. Dr. Sexton writes frequently for economic and business journals and is the author of nine books on economics, including his newly released EXPLORING ECONOMICS and Survey of ECON published by South-Western/Cengage Learning. His research spans American economic history, economic policy analysis, statutes and enforcement costs, public choice, regional economics, migration, and economic education. Professor Sexton has been a visiting professor at UCLA and was Pepperdine's 1991 Professor of the Year. His professional achievements have been recognized with the Howard A. White Memorial Teaching Award, the Luckman Distinguished Teaching Fellowship, and multiple Merit Acceleration Awards for excellence in teaching and research.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Good, but doesn't cover everything.
By Robert Denton
Good for an economics class, but it doesn't cover everything thoroughly.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
It's a great book hard to understand but great
By Karina Diaz
Got it really fast. It's a great book hard to understand but great.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
work great for my
By Rhonda Mason
as expected, work great for my class

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Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

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The Ring of Earth (Young Samurai, Book 4), by Chris Bradford

Jack Fletcher is on the run. With no sensei to guide him, he has just his wits and his swords against many new and unknown enemies, as he journeys along the treacherous road to the port of Nagasaki and perhaps home. . . But the Shogun's samurai are hot on his trail. Barely escaping their clutches, Jack runs headlong into a trap. Kidnapped by ninja and led to their village deep in the mountains, Jack has no means of escape. The only question is who will kill him first—the ninja or samurai?

  • Sales Rank: #186617 in Books
  • Published on: 2010-08-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x 5.25" w x 1.00" l, .53 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 336 pages

"A fantastic adventure that floors the reader on page one and keeps them there until the end." —Eoin Colfer, author, Artemis Fowl 

About the Author

Chris Bradford has trained in karate, kickboxing, and samurai swordsmanship. He earned his black belt in Zen Kyo Shin Taijutsu, the secret fighting art of the ninja. Before writing the Young Samurai series, he was a professional musician and songwriter and has performed for HRH Queen Elizabeth II.

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Captivating Historical Fiction
By EmilyA
My 12 year old son has been reading this series. Generally, he is not a huge fan of leisure reading, but he has really enjoyed these books. We started off requiring him to read three chapters a day, but he quickly wanted to continue reading more. They were a huge hit! We enjoy the fact that while reading he is also learning a lot about Japanese culture in the 1600's. This series is not only entertaining but educational, as well. I highly recommend this series to young boys...maybe older ones too! :)

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Kids Book
By brian
My 12 year old son wasn't a big reader but he's been involved in the martial arts since he's about 5. Trying to figure out a way to get him to read more, I started purchasing the Young Samurai series as they come out and he's been devouring them. I have to admit, I have to. He'll read to me out loud at night and he's even introduced to Japanese words / terminology. This is a great series that keeps he and I interested and eager for the next one to come out.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
By Madeleine
so im reading the ring of wind now, but by the time that somebody reads this ill most likely have finished them all.
best 1 iv read so far. to be fair it's 'couse the plot is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo great.
10000000/5 from me

(still, not as good as harry potter)

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Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

[Y617.Ebook] PDF Download Digital Watermarking and Steganography: Fundamentals and Techniques, by Frank Y. Shih

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Digital Watermarking and Steganography: Fundamentals and Techniques, by Frank Y. Shih

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Digital Watermarking and Steganography: Fundamentals and Techniques, by Frank  Y. Shih

Every day millions of people capture, store, transmit, and manipulate digital data. Unfortunately free access digital multimedia communication also provides virtually unprecedented opportunities to pirate copyrighted material. Providing the theoretical background needed to develop and implement advanced techniques and algorithms, Digital Watermarking and Steganography:

  • Demonstrates how to develop and implement methods to guarantee the authenticity of digital media
  • Explains the categorization of digital watermarking techniques based on characteristics as well as applications
  • Presents cutting-edge techniques such as the GA-based breaking algorithm on the frequency-domain steganalytic system

The popularity of digital media continues to soar. The theoretical foundation presented within this valuable reference will facilitate the creation on new techniques and algorithms to combat present and potential threats against information security.

  • Sales Rank: #4074963 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: CRC Press
  • Published on: 2007-12-17
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .55" h x 6.37" w x 9.26" l, .88 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 200 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, USA

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Watermarking text
By Hussein Al-Hussein
This is a good watermarking text. It is good for someone who wants to get started in the field since it explains all kinds of watermarking techniques and attacks. Even though the book cover a lot of areas, its size is still very reasonable for the new people.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
A comprehensive review of Digital Watermarking and Seganography
By Joseph Chimento
This book is the most comprehensive and highly technical book on digital watermarking and steganography. Its a must have for anyone working in the field of Information Security.

See all 2 customer reviews...

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